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Tag Archives: Rice

Lemongrass and oyster mushroom salad.

Let’s continue with the lemongrass and oyster mushroom salad menu. Start by blanching the mushrooms, then add lemongrass and other herbs. Add the dressing and mix until well blended. Sprinkle with mint leaves before serving menu. Ingredients: How to make lemongrass and oyster mushroom salad?

Grilled salmon with teriyaki sauce.

          It’s the beginning of the month, let’s make a menu of grilled salmon with teriyaki sauce. Comes with a method for making teriyaki sauce. When it’s cooked, pour teriyaki sauce over it and eat with hot rice. Ingredients : How to make Grilled Salmon

Grilled sea bass with miso sauce.

  For those who like to eat fish dishes, I would like you to try making grilled sea bass with miso sauce. Grill the sea bass and spread miso sauce on it. Serve with Japanese rice and add boiled vegetables menu. Ingredients : How to